Dinner hosted by Mr. Ali EL Abdallah. On the occasion of the meeting of the Board Members of Arab Federation for Paper, Printing and Packaging Industries "AFPPPI"

Dinner hosted by Mr. Ali EL Abdallah. On the occasion of the meeting of the Board Members of Arab Federation for Paper, Printing and Packaging Industries "AFPPPI "
Dr. Fadi Gemayel said: "Paper industries are the premiere supporter of Green Economy in our region".
Mr. Ali Abdallah : "Industrialists are the creators of prospect and hope".
Beirut, in November, 2018.
Mrs. Bahia Hariri, Dr. Fadi Gemayel, Mr. Ali El Abdallah, with the board members of Arab Federation
Paper and packaging industries, Green Economy, and recycling were the three main topics discussed during a dinner gathering hosted by the President of AMACO GROUP, Mr. Ali EL Abdallah. The gathering was organized in Beirut on the occasion of the meeting of the Board Members of "Arab Federation for Paper, Printing and Packaging Industries AFPPPI", with the president Dr. Fadi Gemayel who is also President of the Association of Lebanese Industrialists ALI.
Dr. Gemayel asserted that Paper industries in our region, as well as around the world, are becoming an important player because of their part in promoting "Green Industries", as a part of the greater "Green economies" around the world. Mr. Ali El Abdallah gave a speech in which he quoted that the Industrial society in the middle- east and North Africa make up the beacon of hope in the difficult economic times that the region is experiencing. They, and other industrialists, form the "light at the end of the tunnel" for their role in supporting the local economies in their respective countries. They will be the leaders in the effort to rebuild, during the times of war and peace, after the dust of local conflicts begins to settle down.
Dr. Fadi Gemayel, Mr. Ali El Abdallah, with the board members of Arab Federation
Notable industrial presence during the dinner gathering.
The dinner gathering was attended by a group of Lebanese and Arab VIPs including parliament members, diplomats, and Arab government officials, alongside representatives of and presidents of Industrial and economical associations, including: the two vice-presidents of the AFPPPI, President of the Tunisian La Société Nationale de Cellulose et de Papier HALFA SNCPA , Mr. Lbeid Al Ghadbani, Mr. Hussein Jaber Samerraei from Iraq, the president and GM of Tonic industries from Algeria Mr. Djamil Ben Salem, and the GM of Le Groupe Industriel du Papier et de la Cellulose GIPEC, Layla Al Qawadri from Algeria. Also, from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Sami Safran, CEO of the Middle East Paper company MEPCO was present.
Mr. Imad Lutfi, Mr. Tufik Abbas، Dr. Fadi Gemayel, Ambassador Ahmad Bouzian , Mr, Ali El Abdallah & his wife, Mr. Ziad Bekdash
Mr. Tufik Abbas , Mr. Hussein Samerraei , Mr. Ali El Abdallah , Dr. Fadi Gemayel , Deputy Ali Osayran , Deputy Michael Moussa , Ambassador Ahmad Bouzian , Mr. Raouf Abo Zaki , Mr. Mohamad Bachar El Abdallah
Mr. Mohamad Bashar El Abdallah , Ambassador Ahmad Bouzian , Deputy Michael Moussa , Deputy Ossama Saad , Mr. Tufik Abbas , Mrs . Alia Abbas , Mr. Ali El Abdallah , Mr. Fadi Gemayel
Egypt was represented by the Manager from the Ahlia Converting Industries, and the Regional office of AFPPPI, Mrs. Nisreen Othman. And from Lebanon Mr. Yousef Naqib, the owner of United Industrial Company for Tissue Paper Coverting - Zein in Irbil, Iraq
The Syrian paper industry was represented by Mr. Hasan Badnekgy, GM of the Arab company for production of paper products ARAPEPCO, and Mr. Imad Lutfi, owner and president of Technopac company for packaging and corrugated carton paper. Also present was Mr. Riyad al Aaraj, owner of Maha Hygiene Tissue Paper company.
From Tunis, owner of SOPAFI Tissue Mill, Mr. Ali Djelidi attended as well as the owner of Al Saqlawia Establishment for Carton, Mr. Mohamad Jawari, and the president of the Iraqi company for the Printing supplies Mr. Sajed Yousef.
Mrs. Layla Al Qawadri , Ambassador Ahmad Bouzian , Dr. Fadi Gemayel, Mr. Djamel Ben Salem ، Mr. Ali El Abdallah
Form Lebanon, Mr. Ziad Bekdash, president of Oriental Paper Products - OPP, Mr. Tareq Abu Shakra, GM of Freenex company for Tissue Paper Converting, as well as Mr. Basheer Tazkarji, owner of Paper Bags company Tasco attended.
Last, but not least, Mr. Ammar Botra, owner of Cotus company from Algeria attended, and from Jordan, Mr. Munir Abdalla, regional manager of AFPPPI.
Dr. Fadi Gemayel quoted: " We are proud of the achievement of Mr. Ali El Abdallah from Amaco Group.
He said: we were gathered in this place, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Ali Abdallah, who has always been the leader in organizing such events and bring together leaders of the paper industries in the region for the past years. Here, in Lebanon, we are proud of our colleagues in the industrial community, such as Mr. Abdallah, for his achievements, not only in paper industries, but also a leader in the manufacture of tissue paper machines. He has been successful in supplying his machines to many countries around the world. I thank Mr. Abdallah for his mention of Paper Industrialists as the creators of hope in the regional countries where jobs are badly needed for the young generation. Paper industries have become important as part of the "Green Economy" and have played an important role in creating the economic cycle and creating jobs. They will continue to play an important economic role for years to come.
Mr. Ali El Abdallah quoted: "We are the creators of prospect and hope".
Mr. Abdallah welcomed the attendees and said: it gives me much pleasure to welcome my colleagues and friends from the AFPPPI in this friendly gathering that brings together the members of our family, the family of paper and packaging industrialists. We, my friends, don't make paper machines only, we are the creators of hope. The one, who manufactures a product, makes the main block in the local economy. It was Adam Smith who defined industrial production as: "the sum of efforts and activities that humans perform to create a product that can be sold". The regional industrialist, who was the first one to pay the price of wars and conflicts in our region, will also be the first to start rebuilding. I cannot describe our joy and pride when our team manufactured the first tissue paper machine, and when the first company purchased our machine and began to manufacture products using it, starting a long lasting business partnership. We were also proud to sell our first machine to international market. These were unforgettable moments for us, as industrialists.
Mr. Tarek Abou Chakra, Mr. Ali El Abdallah, Mr. Hassan Badenkgy, Mr. Djamil Ben Salem
Mr. Ziad Bekdash , Mr. Djamil Ben Salem